Sunday, February 17, 2013

Update on Our Lemon Cypress Tree ♡

I recently picked up a 4-foot tall lemon cypress tree from our neighborhood Kitsilano Food Mart, which I mentioned in my blog about a Sunday full of picking up gooooooodies from around my Kitsilano neighborhood.

I carried the tree home - less than a block, no biggie - and set it down in our living room, in the spot that our Christmas tree had been standing for the whole holiday season.

We'd really been missing the light of the Christmas tree and in the tree's absence we also realized how empty our living room suddenly seemed!

The next step would be to properly pot the plant and then (!!!!) string it up with Christmas lights, for a year-round-appropriate, double whammy of a lighting fixture{slash}beautiful plant .

A week or so later I got around to fetching a brand new pot for the tree, because it deserved something really pretty to go with its bright citrusy green color. Dave and I had recently discovered that The Kitchen Corner - an awesome "every needs imaginable" store on 4th Ave - had an entire basement room FILLED top-to-bottom with plant pots of every size and color. I'm telling you - if you are in the Vancouver area and want a nice selection of pots for your plants, please just skip every other option and go straight to The Kitchen Corner on 4th in Kits. It's like Disney World for potted plant enthusiasts.  So when I needed to find a pot for the new lemon cypress I was excited to spend some time thoroughly perusing the selection in The Kitchen Corner's basement.

I love the look of a really bright blue against a really bright green - it's part of the reason I'm so fond of taking outdoor pictures on sunny days - so I snagged this beautiful blue pot when I saw it on the shelves because I thought it would really complement the bright green plant:

I believe it cost $24.99-ish? It's about a foot tall.

I love it! David potted it for us and even strung the lights up himself, too!! I was pleased with his enthusiasm about the project :)

I've been working on some other projects around the home, too, to make it look less empty in here. My goal is for my 4-year-old nephew to stop asking me where all of my furniture is when I Skype with him. Stay tuned for a couple adventures in home decor!

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